Creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science
Skills4EOSC ‘Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science’ is a project funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme. Coordinated by Consortium GARR and supported by 44 partners in 18 European countries, Skills4EOSC aims to set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers and harmonise the training of new professional figures for scientific data management.
Aedeka’s role is to enhance and optimise the project’s visual identity, harmonise graphic guidelines, and effectively present key deliverables, converting selected project outputs into more accessible formats. The scope of work includes: reviewing and harmonising the project’s visual identity, including templates and guidelines for deliverables and presentations; summarising key deliverables and transforming them into visually engaging, structured booklets and toolkits; producing training materials for Competence Centres, including handbooks, leaflets, infographics, and coordinated icon sets.
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