Registration open to participate in the T-Tour, the educational and training courses of IF2018!

In events and exhibitions by aedeka

The T-Tours (Tutorial Tours) are an integral part of the Internet Festival (Pisa, 11-14 October 2018), consisting of educational and training courses that stimulate curiosity and provide useful tools for orientation in the infinite world of the Internet and technology.

T-Tours are a journey through innovation, suggestions and discoveries, dedicated to digital natives, tomorrow’s professionals and uncertain navigators, not to mention the experts and devotees of the subject. Four days of interactive games, workshops, laboratories, tutorials, exhibitions and conferences for all ages, all on the theme of the digital revolution.

All T-Tour events will take place from 11 to 14 October 2018 at Centro Congressi Le Benedettine (Pisa) and they are free and freely accessible until places run out. Booking is required for schools and large groups and recommended for individual visitors. You can book via Eventbrite by connecting to or by following the link that you find in the full programme which is available for download here.

For information and booking assistance, please contact us at by phone (+39 320 0134298) or by email (